Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's a beautiful day! The sun is shining... (song from Queen)

Today is such a beautiful day, I just had to take a few minutes off from doing massive loads of housework to stare at the clouds and indulge in a little day-deaming from my bed. Then two little birds, red in colour, came to play among the flowers in my balcony. How Enid Blyton-ish!

So I ran to grab my camera and aimed for a fantastic shot of the birds. Then a gust of wind blew and shook the leaves which drove the two little birds away. :(

Now with no twittering birds to photograph, I stared back up at the puffy clouds and day-dreamed some more. This is the view from my bed.

Here are some gorgeous clouds looming overhead... creating a perfect backdrop for my flowers.

Isn't it a perfectly lazy day? Great for doing absolutely nothing.

Before long... and I'm talking MINUTES... dark gray rain clouds swarmed in, threatening to make the rest of today very very wet.

I'm hoping the weather holds up somehow. I have a ton of packing to do around the house and I would love to have lots of sunshine steaming in from the windows to brighten my dusty day. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

~5-Cat Style


coboypb said...

These are beautiful shots of the clouds, sky and flowers. Looking forward to see the moon as your next model :>

=^..^= said...

Working on it! :)

~5-Cat Style