Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Mulling Tuesday...

Hi all, this is The Flyer. I found this photograph dating back to 1926, amongst the belongings of an old Aussie couple whom I was helping with their move from their home to a retirement village, during the recent floods in Queensland (they weren't actually caught in the floods, thankfully). Accompanying this photograph was a translation of an old Chinese poem that was inscribed on a tomb in Tian Shan, China. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to copy the poem. But managed to sneak a shot of the photograph. I wonder what this cat's story is. What do you think? Hmmm....

~The Flyer


Pip said...

She was a flapper cat, who woke up in a wheelbarrow one morning, after a night of big-band dancing and gallivanting,with mild amnesia and a hangover. In fact, she felt, quite literally, like something the cat dragged in!
That's her story, and we're sticking to it!

Princess Jasmine said...

We think she belongs to the gardiner who works for a very posh couple in a huge house with lots of land. The kitchen staff often feed him little snacks and then he keeps the gardiner company during the day. Certainly looks like he is wheely relaxed there :) xx

Random Felines said...

Hard to say, but it is nice to know that not much has changed in 80 plus years - they still sleep wherever they want. ;)

Luscious Lucy said...

We think she tried not to get "soiled" by the speakeasies of the day but obviously wasn't "grounded" enough to make the "grade". Go ahead, shoot us now -- worst puns of the century ;)

Katnip Lounge said...

She's the seed of a pussywillow tree!


I'd say she loves to garden!


Catsparella said...

So cool.. What an interesting photograph!