Monday, August 14, 2006

Tag! We're it again!

Bangles and I were both tagged by Miss China Paws.

Here are the rules of this tag: The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself ". In the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. The people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Alrighty. So here are my 5 weird things and habits.
Weirdness #1:

When I was a kitten, I could and would sleep anywhere. And in all the strangest positions too!

Weirdness #2:
I am a furry heavy sleeper. When I'm zonked, nothing... NOTHING can wake me up.

Weirdness #3:

I have my furry own spot in the house. I call it the Throne of Bombay. Bangles is NOT allowed anywhere near it. It is in a warm corner by the window. It gets lots of sunlight so it is where I take all my afternoon naps.

Weirdness #4:

I simply adore doing the Catango. I cannot resist doing a dance or two at any party. The beautiful Bonnie is my Catango partner and she makes me appear to be a much better dancer than I really am.

Weirdness #5:

The bestest weird thing about me is that I have not one, but two Mommies! One is my bean Mommy and the other is my Foster Mommy. So I get double the lurrve, treats and scratchies!

And now, I'll be handing ofur the blog to Bangles. Yoo-hoo, Bangles! It's your turn!
Weirdness #1:

When I was young, I had the coolest mohawk running down the whole of my back.

Weirdness #2:

I secretly enjoy bath time so I don't kick up a fuss like Bombay does.

Weirdness #3:

I believe that I am a ninja cat. And my favourite workout is running on top of and balancing on Mommy and Daddy's curtain railings. Bombay is waaaay too fat to even attempt it.

Weirdness #4:

I appeared on Singapurr's English and Chinese news channels. I was chosen as their model kitty for a story on an animal welfare event. My Foster Mommy said that I did a purrfect job and for a while there, I was a celebrity kitten!

Weirdness #5:
My Daddy finds it highly weird that I only snuggle up to him in absolute darkness. What can I say? I'm a shy cat.
And now, we tag KXBC, Cat Antics, Taro, Ayla The Grump and Cat Nap.
~Bombay and Bangles


PrincessMia said...

Very pretty pictures of good looking poodies and beans!

Anita said...

Ohhh... I like the pictures!!


Victor Tabbycat said...

Bombay, Bangles, you have a lovely weird list. Fanks fur including me. Really, Bombay, it's you who makes me look like a good dancer.

I had no idea Bangles was a TV star! And you still associate with all of us?

Zeus said...

I had no idea you were a celebrity ninja cat, Bangles! If things get tough here at the house, I will definitely be recruiting you into action!

Bombay, I am with you all the way: When I am asleep, I don't wake up for anything! I personally don't see why this is so weird since nap time is the best time!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Bombay, I lurve the idea of seein Singapore frum inside a lawndry basket pulled by Bangles! What a unique travel experience THAT would be. When you visit Madison, we'll haf Victor do the same. Normally, I only trust my man to carry it, but we'll make an exception.

Victor Tabbycat said...
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Bombay and Bangles

YOU too had the list that takes the cakes! Wow

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