Mommy: Slash, why are you looking so grumpy?
Slash: Because I'm stuck, Mommy.
No matter how I try to squeeze out from here, I can't move!
Mommy: Why did you squeeze in there in the first place?
Slash: That's a good question.
Slash: You see, Bronzy stole my place on the cat tree.
Slash: And I needed a private place to bathe myself.
Slash: So I decided to use this spot between the table and the box. But now I can't get out.
Slash: What should I do now, Mommy? I don't want to live here forever.
Mommy: Well, what have you tried so far?
Slash: I tried sucking in my tummy.
Slash: I tried eating the box.
Slash: Then my paw got sore so I licked it.
Slash: Finally I got tired and rested.
Mommy: I have an idea you could try. Why don't you lie sideways
and squeeze out through the gap here on your left?
Slash: Oh, yes... I haven't tried that.
Slash: Okay, Mommy... I'll give it a go.
Slash: This is tiring work, I tell you!
Slash: Why am I still not moving?
Mommy: Keep trying, Slashy. You're almost there.
Slash: Are you sure this is right, Mommy?
Slash: Wait a minute... Wait a minute... I feel myself sliding...
Slash: Touchdown!!!
Slash: What an ordeal! Can I have some snacks now?
~5-Cat Style