Slash: Hurry up with the food, Mommy!
Bronzy: We're starving!
Mommy: Okay, okay. Here you go. Eat slowly, please.
Slash: What was that?!
Slash: Did you hear that?!
Slash: I definitely heard something!
Slash: It was a loud something!
Mommy: I didn't hear anything. Don't be so distracted.
Mommy: Look at your sister.
Mommy: She has almost finished all her food.
Bronzy: Yummo! That was good.
Bronzy: Are you having trouble finishing your lunch, Slash?
Bronzy: I can help you polish it all off!
Slash: No, thank you. I still want my food.
Bronzy: Are you sure you can finish ALL that?
Slash: I'm sure. Stop asking me already.
Bronzy: Alright, since you're sure.
Bronzy: But if you change your mind...
Bronzy: Just let me know.
Bronzy: I'll be over here...
Bronzy: Washing up.
Slash: Finally, I can eat in peace.
Slash: But I do wish she would stop staring at me so hard.
*Bronzy eyes her brother*
*With two unblinking eyes*
*No wonder he feels pressured to finish up his food*
Slash: This is stressful.
Slash: And my belly is about to burst.
Slash: I have to stop now.
Slash: Oh gosh, I'm so full.
Slash: I'll have to release some of the pressure...
Slash: With a burp!
Slash: And that's the perfect way to end a meal!
~5-Cat Style