Saturday, August 25, 2007

Egyptian Baby Tortoises!!!


Daisy said...

Those tortoises are awfully cute!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Teeny, tiny torties!
I like yur new masthead, too.
Bonnie wented to the vet fur a checkup and dental, an WOW was she hissed off. When she got home, she smelled funny so I poofed my fur. I couldn't help it!
PS There's no health reason fur her grumpiness, she's just a naturally crabby tabby!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Bombay - where yoo been?

Lux said...

Oh, those are very very cute!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

So delicate and tiny (and edible) FAZ

Anonymous said...

The cuteness is overwhelming!

Anonymous said...

Any update from Jack? The one eye tabby kitty?