Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This one's not a ginger... really!

Once again, I'm back home from the office far too late. I soooo want to blog about the weekend's adoption drive, but I'm all tired out tonight.

So what I'll do with the wavering strength I have left in my fingertips is to show you a very special cat I met on Saturday at the AVA road show. I'm sure some of you would remember this little fella!

For those of you who don't, you can read about him here and here. His story was, in fact, reported in the newspapers.

This is the friendly stray who fell victim to a seriously bored person. That person decided to dye the poor cat orange.

After doing that, that person proceeded to dump the poor frightened cat in a canal. Thankfully the cat was found and rescued.

The lady carrying him in the photographs told me that the orange dye has faded a lot since the rescue. It used to be a much brighter shade. But with the shedding of his fur, the colour has lost much of its intensity.

This cat is a very calm, friendly and curious cat. So I'm not at all surprised that he fell prey to such a prank. Sadly, it is the friendly cats who are the first to fall victim to the nasty people.

Right now, he is recovering well with his caregiver. She wants to fatten him a bit because he is quite scrawny at the moment.

Here's my short video of this sweetie.

~5-Cat Style


Just Ducky said...

That is so bad that someone dyed the kittie. But lucky no long term damage.

Anonymous said...

hey! the little kittie whinks on 1 eye in the video clip ... :-|

Anonymous said...

poor kitty....even though the colour looks kinda cute....luckily it didnt cause any skin problem...

Anonymous said...

I will never, never understand people like that. Tossing him in the canal is the worst. I'm so glad he was rescued.
~ tammara

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I hope someone catches that jerk, dyes him purple and drops him in a sewer pipe.

Just sayin'. Not being vengeful. At all.

Rascal said...

Hello. In honor of Midnight Monday I thought I'd come visit all the Cats on the House Panther roll. Not a very funny joke to dye a Cat orange. Thankfully he found himself in the hands of the right humans.

Zeus said...

I'm literally beside myself right now. How do you come to the conclusion that it would be fun to dye a cat's fur? Better yet: how do you even make the conclusion that the cat wants the fur dyed? My human pet would be too FRIGHTENED to even get me near a liquid product for fear of losing her life.

Someone needs to find this person and just dip them in acid. Later, when his skin is peeling off, and he cries out in agony, "Why did you do this to me?", we can all answer, "But we thought you wanted to be dipped in acid? You mean you didn't? Oh, our apologies."

Victor Tabbycat said...

Poor kitty. Such a cutie!

Fat Eric said...

That's MEAN. I mean, ginger is a good colour on me but that kitty was not meant to be orange. i could think of some nasty things to do to that person but I think I'll just go with GigoloKitty's suggestion.

Robin CHAN said...

thanks for providing the updates.

I am glad he is ok and well.

Unknown said...

What a horrible thing to do. Glad to read the follow-up though!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

What is wrong wif some peoples in this world? We're glad to see he is ok. He has such a nice sleek body we hope he finds a good home wif lots of love after going frew that horrible dye job.

KXBC said...

I agree with Gigolo Kitty.

Anonymous said...
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Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Thank goodness for wonderful people like you!

CalicoMom Toni

Anonymous said...

If a person can find a harmless dye (something vegetable-based, for example), it's not at all cruel. Having said that, the only issue I can see is maintaining the animal's dignity. Cats, in general, seem to be very regal creatures. I don't know if dyeing one pink or orange would change that superior air, the feigned indifference. But if cats are colorblind, I don't see why it would affect them even in that way.

The public outcry should be directed toward negligence on the part of whoever let the animal be "wet and shivering near a drain opposite Siglap Shopping Centre on Monday," presumably the person who dyed it. But these are two completely separate issues.