Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Vietnamese Twin?

Hurrow efurrybody! It shure has been a long long time since I last blogged. I heard that many of you have missed me. I have missed you too!

My Foster Mommy tolded me somfing funny. She said that I might have a twin bruffer who lives all the way in Vietnam. She said that we look furry much alike... TOO much alike.

Wait! Let me get you that pikshur so that you can see him fur yourself...

This is Luky (pronounced Lucky). He is almost 2 years old.

He lives in Vietnam with his Mommy (who was a student in my Foster Mommy's Daddy's school). Luky lurrves his Mommy furry furry much. He sleeps by her side efurry single night.

Well, what do you fink? Do Luky and I really look like twins?
Bombay's photos courtesy of Melvin & Stephanie & Luky's photos courtesy of Nguyen Ha Bao Ngan


Victor Tabbycat said...

Oh, Bombay, I'll always know YOU. When will we Catango again?

Ayla said...

He's handsome, but not nearly as handsome as you are Bombay.

Unknown said...

There may be a certain family resemblance but we'd say you would definitely stand out in a crowd!

Zeus said...

Goodness, that might just be your twin brother! I have a hard time telling who is the difference. Perhaps you should write him a letter to discover more details...

Emma's Kat said...

You two do look pretty similar. But I agree, you are much more handsome!! I love your name too, btw!

husky9 said...

so cute

Anonymous said...

Love to watch your body language and the way your the legs go this way and that - you got attitude, Bombay !!

Hot(M)BC said...

Yall do look a lot alike! I love your poses best, though, Bombay.

~~ Boni

auntie p said...

Bombay, are you gonna emulate Luky and be as rounded? Both of you are healthy good-looking boys!

Anonymous said...

The resemblance is striking!

Anonymous said...

Indeed, striking resemblance!! We like your pretty blanket and your very cool view!

Anonymous said...


he does look a lot like you!

i too have a little boy cat that looks a lot like u. he is handsome like u and has your cute and lively personality too!

looks like all grey-brown mackeral tabbies are the same!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


You have a brother living far away in Singapore. So relaxed looking at both of you.
Thanks for posting Luky anyway.

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