Thursday, March 02, 2006

And so I think you know where I stand

~5-Cat Style


Anonymous said...

this is so very cool. wonder how the govt react if someone starts an online petition plus a blog for this. hmmm.

it's so obvious HDB's rules and explanations are archaic.

Unknown said...

hi...=^.^= is so cool your blog

cat_aunty said...

That was great!

CatDonna & Cats said...

Heh heh!!! I like the last photo. Old people with cryptic messages RULE!

singaporegrrl said...

I did some research and couldn't find the reason why cats are not allowed to be kept as pets in HDB flats. What is the "reason" why?

=^..^= said...

Hi Imp, I stumbled upon an online petition not too long ago. I wonder how many signed it.

Hi Singaporegrrl, my earlier entry at will show you HDB's given reasons for the ban. They are embarrassingly simplistic.

~5-Cat Style

=^..^= said...

Here's a very good letter from the Cat Welfare Society.

~5-Cat Style

Dawn said...

Hahha - funny post!

CWS met with the HDB twice. We had 3000 signatures from people who thought cats should be allowed into flats. We have letters from 30 vets saying cats are great apartment animals. The earlier 'reason' was that cats are nomadic, but the vets have refuted that. Now there doesn't seem to be much of a reason, except that they're worried complaints will increase.

They did not officially explain why our second proposal was turned down, just that it was a no.

singaporegrrl said...

~5-Cat Style,

Thank you for explaining the situation to me. IMHO, this is typical gahmen style of nonsense. Growing up in SG, I had dogs since I was a child. I had my first cat as an adult 2 years ago. Given my experience, cats are 100 times, cleaner, quieter, more self sufficient than dogs. The reasons that HDB gives are untrue and unfounded. I hope that CWS can get this rule repealed. It just doesn't make sense. Good luck!

Singapore Community Cat said...

Absolutely marvellous "protests"!

animalfamily said...

maybe we should parade outside HDB wearing t-shirts having these pics on them. i don't mind saying hello to the riot police.

Anonymous said...

Getting a pet friendly apartment in NYC is also difficult. I recall in one application I put down "2 cats and a squeaky toy" instead of 3 cats. One of mine is really small and squeaks all the time, so we have named her Squeaky Toy:)
My present landlords aren't the greatest but at least, they don't care how many pets I have.

PS. I have blogrolled you.

Cat said...

Hi 5-Cat Style,

Just read your blog this morning.

This is marvellous!

Anonymous said...

cats in flats! cats in flats!

Anonymous said...

No way. Cats are nuisance.Cat poo anywhere they like.